expenditure (usually uncountable, plural expenditures) (uncountable, countable) Act of expending or paying out. ture /ik spen di chr, chur/ n 1: the act or process of paying out 2: something paid out see also capital expenditure Merriam Webster's Dictionary of Law. Unit nouns have two forms, singular and plural: e.g. Partitive Expressions with Uncountable Nouns. en Spending by consumers, investors, or government for goods or services. expedition - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums.

eysla noun . (countable) An expense is something for which you spend money. Countable Vs Uncountable.

No podem ser utilizadas para cobrir despesas correntes de administrao, de manuteno e de funcionamento. Potato. 6 . The man's business was a small one, and there was nothing in his house which could account for such elaborate . Outlay as a noun: The spending of money, or an . 4 posts Page 1 of 1. vikram4689 Legendary Member Posts: 1325 Joined: 01 Nov 2009. A spending of more than is reasonable or necessary; excessive expenditure; wastefulness. There are so many nouns in English that cannot be counted. a reduction in public/government/military expenditure; plans to increase expenditure on health; The budget provided for a total expenditure of 27 billion. vdaj noun masculine. s tiu dng noun. We can readily count them because they are very common words. They are not any substance or elements and we cannot divided them into separate elements. Ostetun sijoituskiinteistn hankintameno sislt ostohinnan sek mahdolliset hankinnasta vlittmsti johtuvat menot. They may not be used to cover current administrative, maintenance or operational expenditure. Expenditure as a noun (uncountable, countable): Act of expending or paying out. Uncountable nouns are used with a singular verb. Thanks:) news, producs, expenditure, paper, information, suggestion, business, travel, experience, time, fact, accomodation, journey, software, correspondence . The following are some examples of countable nouns: Banana. View the pronunciation for expenditure. kulu en Spending by consumers, investors, or . en.wiktionary.org. Pleasant words are as an honeycomb . (uncountable, business) Wasted money. Although this can be a complicated concept for students to grasp, we suggest focusing on the different meanings that nouns take on when used in a countable form and alternatively in . The expenditure of time, money, and political capital on this project has been excessive. Money paid out; an amount spent. List of Uncountable Nouns of different Categories Following is a list of examples of uncountable nouns which fall under different categories like feelings, ideas, liquids etc. You can say 1 chair, 2 chairs, 3 chairs etc. + 9 mritelmt . For sale, on sale, in the sale aprendeinglesenleganes.com. The cost of a purchased investment property comprises its purchase price and any directly attributable expenditure. What does expenditure mean? The act of consuming something. This is, for . (nou. The act of consuming something. ; She wants to purchase two pairs of trousers. U kadho novho . omegawiki. total: actual, annual, gross, total Gross expenditure on the NHS increased by 8 per cent in the last . for L expendere + URE] 1. the act of expending; a spending or using up of money, time, etc. Stem. Potato. The definition of an expenditure is the act of spending money or time and it is something on which you spend money. Jika sudah siap untuk belajar latihan soalnya, silakan dicoba ya latihan soal di bawah ini. (uncountable) (countable) Amount expended; expense; outlay. Uncountable nouns are types of nouns, which we can count, we can only feel them. [uncountable, countable] jump to other results the act of spending or using money; an amount of money spent. a chair, chairs. Countable, uncountable and collective noun plurals are confusing to lower grades, even advance level students fail to apprehend. Could you help me? For more information on the word fruit, please . For example, "I've seen black sand and red sand. costs . [uncountable, countable] a reduction in public/government/military expenditure plans to increase expenditure on health The budget provided for a total expenditure of 27 billion. tgjld noun.

gasto noun . So you can't . Moji revizori su otkrili . (countable & uncountable) An expense is an amount of money that you spend.Synonyms: cost and charge Antonym: income If your income is less than your expenses, you have a serious problem. 'Time' can refer to the never-ending succession of moments, seconds, minutes, hours, etc. Glosbe Research. [countable, uncountable] jump to other results outlay (on something) the money that you have to spend in order to start a new project.

100 Countable and Uncountable Words List and Examples! Following are 3 ques. The expenditure of time, money, and political capital on this project has been excessive. pp. List of Uncountable Nouns in English. This is the British English definition of expenditure.View American English definition of expenditure. Saxon genitive - SPECIAL . Operating and administrative expenditure on monitoring and enforcing the application of the Directive. sv kostnad vid ett tillflle . EXPENDITURE, noun. The main expenditures of students are books and stationery.

wikidata. Find more words! (uncountable) (countable) Amount expended; expense; outlay. EXPENDITURE, noun. expended; expense . spending . ( uncountable, countable) The amount expended; expense; outlay. Definition and synonyms of expenditure from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education. The act of spending money for goods or services. a massive financial/capital outlay; Synonyms costs costs. EN; DE; ES; FR; ; Example Sentences: We donated ten bags of rice to the orphanage. The expenditure on this project exceeded the budget that was given to it. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Post by vikram4689 Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:27 am Spend almost 2 hrs to find a common strategy but could not find one. I have read two recent articles investigating the issue of social security and its effects on government expenditure.

& 1 MGMAT strategy. The noun expenditure can be countable or uncountable. Examples: "The expenditure of time, money, and political capital on this project has been excessive." Payment as a noun (uncountable): The act of paying. peklady expenditure Pidat . kostnaur noun. noun countable/uncountable formal UK / kspendt(r) / Explore meanings in the Dictionary money that is spent. From Longman Business Dictionary expenditure expenditure / kspendt-r / noun [countable, uncountable] the total amount of money that a government, organization, or person spends during a particular period of time An advertiser rarely knows what its return on investment in advertising expenditure is. prevodi expenditure Dodaj . a person who travels into a city to work each day, usually from quite far away /kmjut(r)/ A group of . noun countable/uncountable . + 9 definitsioonid .

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