Archived. Update 1: - Changed Leviathan from Reaper size to 450 m height. Never knew that the Reapers can be that big! We also know that the Alliance has at least 8 fleets as of Mass Effect 3, which roughly matches with the 9 dreadnoughts the Alliance is known to have by ME3. Mass Effect is (c) by Bioware & EA. They are only deployed for the most vital missions. Thirteen Executor-50.x engines placed in five thruster banks gave the Executor-class impressive acceleration for its size. Third resize goes to the Harbinger and Sovereign. Close. However, in the Codex entry on Human Diplomatic Relations (available . Dreadnoughts range from 800 metres to one kilometre long, with a main gun of commensurate length. But the ship always seem to be only ran by a dozen people. 295k. Offensive and defensive systems []. [We know that] At the time of the First Contact War, the entire Alliance fleet numbered around 200 ships. Mass Effect Fan Fiction Wiki. According to mostly accidental leaks originating from stationed crew, however, the dreadnought's layout is not out of the ordinary and seems to follow the same basic principles of design as some of its middle-aged, . 8. At the size of 1.1km long, the. Being operated by a mostly skeleton crew, the Claymore has automated the vast majority of its defensive and offensive combat systems. Dreadnoughts. . Firstly, they only exist in this story, so they cannot be found in the two wikis listed below, with a few exceptions found in the timeline. Dreadnoughts are kilometre-long capital ships mounting heavy, long-range firepower. The ship was literally falling to pieces without those kinetic barriers. 2030: Out of nowhere one day a spaceship of impossible size appeared in the sol system and made its way to Mars' orbit. The main reactor was accessible through various service tubes. Online. The Alliance Marines, the ground operations branch of the Alliance military, are a specialized branch of the Navy. An 800-metre class accelerator is capable of accelerating one two-kilogramme slug to a velocity of 283 . This implies all military fleets in the Mass Effect . In Mass Effect: Ascension, while describing the Idenna, a decommissioned batarian Hensa-class cruiser serving in the Migrant Fleet, it's noted that the Idenna had, at the time, a crew of 693, whereas an Alliance cruiser of comparable size would have a crew of approximately 80. "And then finally we have our own version of a dreadnought which is any ship that exceeds five thousand . A special note about these codexs for the Mass Dragon Effect story is that they were written for two reasons. Tali's "couldn't find one in your size" line when Garrus complains about not getting a new gun makes me giggle. Dreadnoughts are kilometer-long capital ships mounting heavy, long-range firepower. Cerberus Dreadnought, Cerberus Frigate, Turian Frigate and Alamo class by Lord Set Update 5: (November 28, 2014) . By the year 2183, mankind has mastered the ability to travel throughout the galaxy at . Its military prowess has drawn the attention of the . Oct 29, 2016 - Overview of the Destiny Ascension Super Dreadnought of the Asari Navy. Everest-class Battleship | Mass Effect Fan Fiction Wiki | Fandom. An 800-meter mass accelerator is capable . Design elements from the Federation John A Warden-class Battlecruiser and the Petolemaiac Fon'tek-class Fast Battleship were implemented. The Fist of Khar Shan Mass Effect Accelerated HumAnnoyd HumAnnoyd 2018-08-28T00:43:09Z 2021-02-10T20:43:43Z 1y. At the size of 1.1km long, the class is considered to be the largest vessel in the Alliance Navy. Lore in Mass Effect covers the basic aspects of the Universe that are touched in the game. I always bring Garrus with Tali for the Dreadnought in ME3. It's mentioned in Ascension that a typical Alliance cruiser has a crew size of around 80 compared to the Quarian vessel Idenna's crew size of 693 (which was originally a decomissioned Batarian cruiser). The Artbook of Mass Effect show a good size comparison between a Quarian Liveship and a cruiser. Matters of Size NOTE: The alternate rules on Scale (Bulldogs! This subreddit is the unofficial source for people who love the Mass Effect universe including the games, books, comics, and DLC. Mass Effect, DOTR, CAT6 . Posted by 1 year ago. The Executor-class had over 5,000 weapons emplacements, including turbolasers . It depends on the race of the dreadnought. 5. crew were embarked and disembarked via the use of shuttles . For example, Human dreadnoughts (being less plentiful than turians and Asari) will be used extremely sparingly by a select few factions. Rendered in 3d Max 10 Data sheet made in Paint Shop Pro 7 Watch the other Asari S. Asari Super Dreadnought Destiny Ascension Overview. Previous wars, long-time held grudges between Races, or any important event that is mentioned during the game but isn't exactly done by Commander Shepard and the Normandy crew can be found here.. Mass Effect Lore. Sovereign is the flagship of the rogue Spectre Saren. Be careful when heading to the control panel too; there's a few very hard to spot land mines laying around. What kills BattleTech in space is their lack of inertia dampening or methods to help humans survive high G burns, like in the Expanse. It can be seen passing the windows on the Wards while people gather around to watch . The Executor-class was built with one main reactor and an unknown number of secondary reactors. By: . DISCUSSION. . Codex: Spoiler Section. Naval gauss and auto-cannons probably would have minimal effect on kinetic barriers due to the disparity in their strength vs mass accelerator rounds. Members. The crew of the Fist of Kar'shan are experienced, efficient and completely dedicated to their captain, Jella Vallack, and their cause. The ship was literally falling to pieces without those kinetic barriers. Dreadnoughts are kilometer-long capital ships mounting heavy, long-range firepower. During the Battle of the Citadel the Alliance lost 8 cruisers and 2400 crewmen, so about 300 crewmen per cruiser. Pretty close, if you ask me. . Dreadnoughts range from 800 meters to one kilometer long, with a main gun of commensurate length. It would honestly depend on the species. I like my 1 dreadnought per 10 cruisers per a bit less than 100 frigates assumption more and more. (2 custom mass effect reactors) Classified (4 Type 209 H He-3 . . Fg-Constructions. Created Nov 8, 2009. . Dreadnought crew size and lifeboat size. But that seems low. At two kilometers long, its spinal-mounted main gun is likely capable of penetrating another dreadnought's kinetic barriers with a single shot. Its individual vessels range considerably in size and firepower, varying from hundred-meter-long frigates to nearly kilometer-long dreadnoughts. And seriously, I would have thought that engineering would take more than 2 people but it only have 2 station. pg. The Everest-class Battleship is the first in-house Alliance designed Super Dreadnought to enter service with the Alliance Navy. 2.0k. It made no actions whatsoever even when a panicked nation . Their banter is hysterical. Dreadnoughts. I mean, there are plenty of empty chair on the command center. Main Page; . Dreadnoughts range from 800 meters to one kilometer long, with a main gun of commensurate length. User Info: LordTrinen. Only the main gun of a dreadnought could punch a mass accelerator slug through the barriers of an opposing dreadnought.
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